Est’s origami kits are stocked in a variety of beautiful stores both in the UK & overseas. Below are a list of current stockists.



U N I T E D     K I N G D O M:

POP // 10 High St . Banbury . OX16 5DZ

HAPPYDASHERY // 21 High St . Leighton Buzzard . LU7 1DN

LIFESTORY  // 53 London St . Edinburgh . EH3 6LX

PAPER STORIES  // 234 Gipsy Rd . Norwood . London . SE27 9BJ

DESIGN 44 // Derbion .  Derby . DE1 2PG


Please do contact Est at if you’re a store that’s interested in stocking her origami kits. 

Alternatively browse her kits on Ankorstore, which will entitle you to a £100 discount when you first sign up : ORIGAMI EST on ANKORSTORE